Sunday, May 13, 2012

Love you Maman

Don't forget to call your Mom today, and remind her how much you love her. Now that I am a Mom and know how a mother feels, I love my mother so much more. My Mom gave up her career and some to stay home and raise me and my 2 sisters, then when we were older she left her comfortable life and moved with us across continents so we can have better access to good education and more fulfilling lives. After all that when we were all well on our own, she packed her bags again and moved back to the home were she belonged.  And now she spends the weekends on Skype adoring Baby B her only grand child and travels to come see her a few times a year.
Maman, I love you so much.


  1. Awww, this is sweet :) I hope you enjoyed your day, too!
